L-Istrina 2022
At Betsson, we are committed to be a socially responsible company and we feel a strong sense of responsibility to give back to the communities in which we operate. That’s why, on December 26th, we made a donation of €15,000 to the Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation at the L-Istrina event. This contribution was made up of €5,000 from our Betssonites and added by €10,000 from Betsson Group.
Malta holds the L-istrina telethon annually to raise funds for individuals and organisations that work to improve the health, well-being, and quality of life for those families and individuals in need. Betsson has participated in this cause since 2016, and we are thrilled to continue our support. Our Betssonites in the two Malta offices can choose to make a monthly donation through payroll, which is then matched (or as in this case, doubled) by the company. It is our hope that this donation will make a meaningful difference in the lives of those who are in need and we are grateful to be able to make a positive impact in our community.