Betsson Group supports Movember 2024
We’re committed to making a positive impact through meaningful initiatives, and this November, Betsson Group joined the global Movember 2024 movement to raise awareness about critical men’s health issues, including prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health, and suicide prevention.
In support of this cause, 330 Betssonites from around the globe came together for a Company-Wide Step Challenge, aiming to raise awareness for men’s health and mental well-being. Over the course of 30 days, our incredible 330 participants stepped their way to a whopping 52,319,843 steps, covering over 38,000 km.
Beyond this global effort, Betssonites engaged in various activities across our locations to support men’s health:
In Greece, we visited a local barbershop where Betssonites shaved off their facial hair—leaving only moustaches to spark meaningful conversations and support.
Our team in Estonia embraced the spirit of Movember by growing moustaches and participating in wellness-focused activities, such as a team adventure in the woods and a basketball training session with former professional player Raido Ringmets, followed by a friendly match to build camaraderie and community.
In Sweden, we hosted a Blue Fika where Betssonites dressed in blue to spark awareness and encourage donations to support the Movember 2024 cause.
Another Movember initiative came from our Georgian colleagues at Europebet. They held their second annual karting competition to support the men’s health campaign. Twenty eteam members joined the race, and after some intense racing, three winners emerged and won their well-deserved prizes.
At Betsson Group, we’re proud of our Betssonites for coming together to raise awareness and take steps—literally and figuratively—toward a healthier future for men.
Learn more about our global initiatives by clicking here.